About Us
Mission Statement:
The Canton United Methodist Church strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world.
Vision Statement:
The Canton United Methodist Church is committed to be a healthy congregation of the United Methodist Church where every person is a minister! Canton United Methodist Church is committed to being an inclusive, vital fellowship that helps persons meet their spiritual needs and equips and enables persons to follow Christ’s call to become disciples and share God’s love in our congregation, community and world.
(3rd Graders Receive their Bibles from Pastor Clay)
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out what’s going on at Canton United Methodist?
If you read the Sunday bulletin, announcements, our bi-monthly newsletter, these will keep you up to date with almost
everything that’s happening at Canton United Methodist Church. Another great way of course, is to explore the website, just like you’re doing now! We also keep our Facebook page up-to-date with any changes and new events.
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
Our music ministries always welcome interested persons with talent and enthusiasm. For more information on joining these ministries, check out our Choir or Praise Team. We love to have special music as well, so if you have a musical talent. Let us know!
How do I find a Church School Class?
We strive to offer a dynamic church School Classes for all age groups. You can find more detailed information at the Chi Alpha page or the pages for Adults or Youth.
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
Our music ministries always welcome interested persons with talent and enthusiasm. For more information on joining these ministries, check out our Choir or Praise Team. We love to have special music as well, so if you have a musical talent. Let us know!
How do I find a Church School Class?
We strive to offer a dynamic church School Classes for all age groups. You can find more detailed information at the Chi Alpha page or the pages for Adults or Youth.
What do United Methodists believe?
United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith. We encourage you to read more at the website of the United Methodist Church - or attend our Worship Services or other programs and ask lots of questions. Go ahead - Be nosy! You can also learn more about the United Methodist Church and the Dakotas Conference on their websites.
How do I get involved at Canton United Methodist Church?
Opportunities for involvement from small groups and volunteer opportunities to missions and music - are open to anyone who wants to participate. Members and visitors alike. A great way is to speak to any Church Staff person - especially Pastor Clay- to help get you connected. Immediate needs are printed each week in our bulletin announcements.
How do I get involved at Canton United Methodist Church?
Opportunities for involvement from small groups and volunteer opportunities to missions and music - are open to anyone who wants to participate. Members and visitors alike. A great way is to speak to any Church Staff person - especially Pastor Clay- to help get you connected. Immediate needs are printed each week in our bulletin announcements.
How can I join Canton United Methodist Church?
If you are considering membership at Canton United Methodist Church, you’ll want to make contact with Pastor Clay Lundberg, where you can learn more about our church and the expectations of members.
When are Canton United Methodist Church’s weekly worship experiences?
We currently offer two worship experiences. One is at 10:00 am on Sundays and the other is one is on Wednesday at 6:10pm. Wednesday Church is a child-focused worship including kids' music and simple messages. We hope you will try all our worship experiences to see where you "fit in." Each one welcomes you with open arms and has the hope that you & your family will experience God’s love.
If you are considering membership at Canton United Methodist Church, you’ll want to make contact with Pastor Clay Lundberg, where you can learn more about our church and the expectations of members.
When are Canton United Methodist Church’s weekly worship experiences?
We currently offer two worship experiences. One is at 10:00 am on Sundays and the other is one is on Wednesday at 6:10pm. Wednesday Church is a child-focused worship including kids' music and simple messages. We hope you will try all our worship experiences to see where you "fit in." Each one welcomes you with open arms and has the hope that you & your family will experience God’s love.