About Us
Welcome to the Canton United Methodist Church! Learn more about us below.
Mission Statement:
The Canton United Methodist Church strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world.
Vision Statement:
The Canton United Methodist Church is committed to be a healthy congregation of the United Methodist Church where every person is a minister! Canton United Methodist Church is committed to being an inclusive, vital fellowship that helps persons meet their spiritual needs and equips and enables persons to follow Christ’s call to become disciples and share God’s love in our congregation, community and world.
Value Statements:
The Canton United Methodist Church strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world.
Vision Statement:
The Canton United Methodist Church is committed to be a healthy congregation of the United Methodist Church where every person is a minister! Canton United Methodist Church is committed to being an inclusive, vital fellowship that helps persons meet their spiritual needs and equips and enables persons to follow Christ’s call to become disciples and share God’s love in our congregation, community and world.
Value Statements:
- A Commitment To Vital Worship – We are committed to equipping Christians, through the proclamation of God’s Word, to follow Christ in every sphere of life. To accomplish this, worship shall be a central focus of our church and remain vital, relevant and biblically based, taking into account where people are and where Christ is calling us to be.
- A Commitment To Scripture – We affirm the scriptures of the Old & New Testaments as our guide in matters of faith and living and share a commitment to Biblical truth.
- A Commitment To Prayer – The ministries of this church will be characterized by a reliance on prayer in their conception, planning and execution.
- A Commitment To The Body Of Christ – We are committed to using the spiritual gifts of our people to create a Christian community that uses its gifts for the common good of the Body of Christ. We shall assist persons in the identification of their “gifts” and enable them to use those gifts to change lives in Christ’s name.
- A Commitment To Lay Ministry – As much as possible, the ministries and activities of this church will be placed in the hands of lay non-vocational servant teams. This will be accomplished through training opportunities and practices which encourage lay initiative, leadership, responsibility, and authority in the various ministries of the church. We will be a permission-giving church at our very core.
- A Commitment To Small Groups – We are committed to small group ministry because small groups are one of the most effective means of transformation, conversion, and leadership development in our church. Small group ministry also offers opportunity for building and cultivating deep and abiding relationships and helping newcomers find a place to belong. Healthy relationships with God and with one another strengthen the fabric of the Body of Christ.
- A Commitment To Creativity And Innovation – We are committed to creativity and innovation in our ministries, influenced by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. In today’s rapidly changing world, forms and methods must be continuously evaluated, and if necessary, altered to fit new conditions. We are more concerned with effectiveness in ministry than with adherence to tradition or efficiency. We applaud the use of new techniques and methods and will learn from those that were tried and were not successful.
- A Commitment To Excellence – We will seek to maintain a high level of excellence in all our ministries. This will be achieved when every person is exercising their God-given spiritual gifts to strive toward their very best effort. We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people. In everything we do, we give God only our very best.
- A Commitment To Giving – We believe that the secret of living as Christ taught is giving. We will strive as members of the Body of Christ to give of our time, talents and gifts, recognizing that God calls us to return a proportionate share of all that God has given us. We will spend the necessary time teaching wholesome concepts of stewardship to all members and friends of our congregation.
- A Commitment To Growth – We believe that life is meant to be given away and that Christianity exists to share Christ with others. Although numerical growth is not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing, and is not a sufficient goal in itself, we believe that God desires for us to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We will pursue methods and policies that encourage numerical growth without compromising our integrity, our mission, our vision, our values or our commitment to Biblical truth.
- A Commitment To Un-churched/De-churched People – We are outwardly focused, reaching out to find and connect pre-Christian and lapsed Christian people to Jesus Christ and the church. We find people where they are and shepherd them to be disciples of Jesus Christ, participating in God’s transformation of lives.
- A Commitment To Community Involvement – We seek to be in ministry and to make a real difference in this community. Our outward focus leads us to open the church facilities to community groups and organizations. We seek to encourage growth in faith for those individuals who use this facility. The congregation will continue to partner with existing ministries and organizations in the Canton area.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find out what’s going on at Canton United Methodist?
If you read the Sunday bulletin, announcements, our bi-monthly newsletter, these will keep you up to date with almost everything that’s happening at Canton United Methodist Church. Another great way of course, is to explore the website, just like you’re doing now! We also keep our Facebook page up-to-date with any changes, new events
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
Our music ministries always welcome interested persons with talent and enthusiasm. For more information on joining these ministries, check out our Choir or Praise Team. We love to have special music as well, so if you have a musical talent. Let us know!
How do I find a Church School Class?
We strive to offer a dynamic church School Classes for all age groups. You can find more detailed information at the Chi Alpha page or the pages for Adults or Youth.
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
Our music ministries always welcome interested persons with talent and enthusiasm. For more information on joining these ministries, check out our Choir or Praise Team. We love to have special music as well, so if you have a musical talent. Let us know!
How do I find a Church School Class?
We strive to offer a dynamic church School Classes for all age groups. You can find more detailed information at the Chi Alpha page or the pages for Adults or Youth.
What do United Methodists believe?
United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith. We encourage you to read more at the website of the United Methodist Church - or attend our Worship Services or other programs and ask lots of questions. Go ahead - Be nosy!
How do I get involved at Canton United Methodist Church?
Opportunities for involvement from small groups and volunteer opportunities to missions and music - are open to anyone who wants to participate. Members and visitors alike. A great way is to speak to any Church Staff person - especially Pastor Clay- to help get you connected. Immediate needs are printed each week in our bulletin announcements.
How do I get involved at Canton United Methodist Church?
Opportunities for involvement from small groups and volunteer opportunities to missions and music - are open to anyone who wants to participate. Members and visitors alike. A great way is to speak to any Church Staff person - especially Pastor Clay- to help get you connected. Immediate needs are printed each week in our bulletin announcements.
How can I join Canton United Methodist Church?
If you are considering membership at Canton United Methodist Church, you’ll want to make contact with Pastor Clay Lundberg, where you can learn more about our church and the expectations of members.
When are Canton United Methodist Church’s weekly worship experiences?
We currently offer two worship experiences. One is at 10:00 am on Sundays and the other is one is on Wednesday at 6:10pm. Wednesday Church is a child-focused worship including kids' music and simple messages. We hope you will try all our worship experiences to see where you "fit in." Each one welcomes you with open arms and has the hope that you & your family will experience God’s love.
If you are considering membership at Canton United Methodist Church, you’ll want to make contact with Pastor Clay Lundberg, where you can learn more about our church and the expectations of members.
When are Canton United Methodist Church’s weekly worship experiences?
We currently offer two worship experiences. One is at 10:00 am on Sundays and the other is one is on Wednesday at 6:10pm. Wednesday Church is a child-focused worship including kids' music and simple messages. We hope you will try all our worship experiences to see where you "fit in." Each one welcomes you with open arms and has the hope that you & your family will experience God’s love.