Friend-Ship Preschool

"Train children in the way they should go; when they grow old, they won’t depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 (CEB)
A ministry of the Canton United Methodist Church
Registration is now open!
We would love to have you with us at Friend-Ship!
The class is full, but the waitlist is available!
Just a reminder that registration is not complete until you have submitted a $75 deposit to the church office.
Tuition rates per month for the 2025-2026 School Year:   
4-year-old Preschool - $140
3-year-old Beginner Preschool - $110
Non-refundable deposit to hold place - $75
Classroom Session times:
3-year-old Beginner Preschool
Morning Session 8:30-11:00 a.m. two times per week (Tuesday and Thursday Mornings)
4-year-old Preschool
Afternoon Session 12:15-2:45 p.m. three times per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Afternoons)
Meet our Staff:
Preschool Teacher: Mrs. Jenna Stearns
My name is Jenna Stearns. I am a native of Canton. I graduated high school in 2008 and from SDSU in 2013, majoring in music education. I taught 5th & 6th grade band in Canton from 2014-2018. I have been directing the church choir since 2014. I live on a farm north of Worthing with my husband Eric, and our three children, Avonelle, Everett, and Oliver. I enjoy staying home with the kids, waterskiing at the lake, spending time with family and friends, playing the piano, and enjoying a good cup of coffee.    
Preschool Assistant: Mrs. Kathy Lottman
(Bio coming soon!)
Check out what Friend-Ship Has Been Up To: