Church Camps

2025 Dakotas United Methodist Camps

Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of being and by his example, we are reminded that God always invites us to reimagine who we are and how we do things. Being at camp, we are already finding another way, apart from the trappings and distractions of home. In the peace of this space, we will explore what would change if we lived as our authentic selves and respected the truths of others. In this humility, we will imagine how growing changes the way we live. In this potential for transformation, we will imagine how our personal change meets the change we seek in the world. Whether we are addressing unfair rules or dreaming of a time when all people belong, we know that God calls us to do a new thing and faithfully forge another way.
2025 Camp Brochures will be here soon and will be found on the counter in the narthex or go to for more information and to register! CUMC will pay 75% of the early bird camp registration fee. Use the code CantonCampers to access our camp scholarship (Please keep in mind that the code is case and space sensitive; it must be typed in just like it us above in order to work)
Early bird deadline is April 30, 2025.
Early bird deadline is April 30, 2025.