Adult Groups
Adult Bible Study Groups:
Wednesday: 7:00 a.m. - Men's Breakfast and Bible Study (Wesley Hall downstairs at Church)
Wednesday: 1:30 p.m. - Wesley Hall
Prayer Ministry Team
Canton United Methodist Church is reestablishing a Prayer Ministry Team. Stay tuned for more details.
Canton United Women in Faith (Formerly United Methodist Women)
The Canton UWF currently has three circles:

The Canton UWF currently has three circles:
- Morning Glories. Meets the 1st Sunday of each month @ 8:30am.
- Hallelujah meets the 3rd Monday at the church @ 7:00 pm
- Praise meets the 1st Thursday of each @ 1:30pm except the months of June, July, and August.
All women are invited to our circle and UWF Unit meetings. We have six unit meetings each year, as well as hosting birthday parties for the residents at the Good Samaritan Society Nursing Home two times each year. We also conduct a UWF church service each year.
Canton United Women in Faith started as Canton Ladies Aid in 1882 at the home of Mrs. Emma Wills. Through the years meetings have been held in homes and at the church. They held bakes sales, suppers, and picnics over the years to raise money for church projects. Some of these projects include: the church basement and additions to the old building (in 1916), quilts and rugs, and kitchen cupboards. In Sept. 1965, the 25th anniversary of the Woman's Society of Christian Service was celebrated with 33 chartered members. In 1968 with the merger of the church with Evangelical United Brethren, the name of the organization was changed to Women's Society of Christian Service and in 1974, the organization became known as United Methodist Women. In 2022 to prepare for coming changes to the denomination, UMW became known as the United Women in Faith.
Purpose of United Women in Faith:
The organized unit of United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
In 1974, the special services committee was organized to serve funerals, weddings, and open houses. The women provided monthly committees to organize events and the entire church membership is included.
The first breakfast bazaar was held in 1980 and has continued to the present. The money raised is used for mission work, helping with children's programs, Bible School, Confirmation, and graduation, etc.
The United Methodist Men

The UMM meet the first Sunday of every month (September through May) at 8:30am for breakfast and fellowship. The men are active in church service projects. The men's annual Turkey Supper is a highlight of the church year. Join us for breakfast and become part of this fun group.