Children's Nursery

To families in our congregation,
Our nursery is supervised during our church services and is designed for the needs of children under school age. Children are certainly welcome in our services, but this is an option if you want to use it. We are interested to hear comments to make it user-friendly.
Because of potential food allergies, we have made the nursery a FOOD-FREE ZONE. Please help keep food in the fire-side room or Wesley Hall.
Are you willing to help supervise the nursery during church? We need two supervisors each service, and we can have young people help. It’s a good way for youth 5th grade and older learn about child care. We need to have two adults with any youth supervisor.  All adult supervisors will have a current background check listed with the church.  
Please contact the church office or us if you have questions.
Nursery Attendants needed for all Worship services. Please contact the church office at 764-2859 if you would be willing to volunteer.